Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Solar energy and Wind energy

It doesn't have to be sunny to create energy. You just need light.
This energy ranges from ultraviolet light to visible light and infrared light(heat energy). About half of this energy actually makes it to Earth's surface, 30% is reflected and 20% is absorbed by the atmosphere.
Solar heating can be achieved by suitable architecture and orientation of the home at little or additional cost. What you need is sun-facing windows that allow sunlight to enter during the winter months. 

Wind energy is a source of clean and sustainable energy.

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing major sources of new electricity around the world. There are over 150,000 wind turbines around the world in over 90 countries. 
In 2012 their capacity grew by 19 per cent.

Here are some pros for wind energy:
  • In all forms renewable energy is a safe and healthy alternative to fossil fuels  
  • Wind turbines are not harmful to human health 
  • Wind power cleans our air. Wind turbines are powered by wind, producing no greenhouse gasses or air pollution as they generate wind energy.
  • Also wind power even through it generates energy its doesn't pollute water resources.