Sunday, July 28, 2013

Air pollution from cars

Most car engines need fuels to burn, which is the main threat for air polluting process. There are some ways how can we control air pollution and in this case the air pollution that comes from the motor of vehicles.

  • Use bicycles instead of cars
  • When we are driving and the traffic light turns red we should turn off the car and start it again after the light turns yellow.
  • Choose low-polluting models of cars
  •  Reduce the amount of time you spend in the car
  • If you travel everyday to your work by  car than take some of your colleges with you so they won’t use their own cars
  •  Use public transportation
  • Getting rid of the old cars
  • Using car filters that prevent the release of gases in the atmosphere
  • Don’t use the air conditioner because the car will use more fuel for that


Bicycles are Eco-friendly they don’t need any fuel to get in motion just a little bit of our body energy and that’s it. By using more the bicycles we will have a strong body and a better environment with less carbon dioxide.

When we are stuck in traffic or waiting on the traffic light we should turn off our cars. In this way we can decrease a little the amount of carbon dioxide that are produced by the fuel that you use for our cars.

By choosing a low-polluting model of car we will help not just our selves but also the environment. These cars might be a little bit expensive but still they are worthy.

If we just like to spend more time in our cars doing nothing then we need to stop because there are many things that you can do in the mean time. For example riding your Eco-bike.

If us or our colleges travel everyday to work with car, we should make a plan for example to travel one week with one car all the colleges, and the other week with the other car and so on.

Or use the public transport because even the prime minister of England does, so why don’t we use it too.

Getting rid of the old cars might be a little hard, notably for countries which have lower incomes but if we do so then this might be a very big deal because those cars pollute much more than the newer cars because they don’t have filters and if you are thinking to buy a new car buy an ECO-FRIENDLY car.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Greenhouse effect

Earth is getting warmer. The amount of CO2 getting higher and this amount seems to increase continually.
The atmosphere helps the Earth to be warm. When water vaporizes, carbon dioxide and methane( Methane is 21 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide) are blocking the heat that comes from the sun and these two are keeping the surface of the Earth warmer. If the amount of these gases increases, the earth will transform into a giant greenhouse and the impact will be extraordinary. 
The burning of the fossil raw will increase the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.