Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The impact of forestation on soil and environment.

Forestation is the process of planting trees which helps the environment in various ways. Forestation helps to prevent erosion, climate changes and water flow. The impact of Forestation on soil is huge. When we plant different trees in a region that is without any vegetation then we will stop erosion because these trees will lay their roots into the soil and when the water flows into this soil it will not go with a higher speed because it will stop on the plants that are planted so it cannot carry away particles of soil, also wind erosion can be prevented if there are planted trees in that region. If there aren’t any trees than many soils will be destroyed or degraded and we know that soil is the basic thing that we need for everything that is surrounding us; from the food to clothes, houses etc. Environment without forestation cannot be called Environment. Forests are a home to many and many different species they help reducing water logging and salinity problems, forests are also a food resource for many different animals and also forests are storing around 300 billion tons of carbon in their living parts, 40 times more than the annual greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. (Green Peace)

We must protect our forests because around eighty per cent of the world's forests have been degraded or destroyed. We need forests because forests are fundamental for having a sustainable life on Earth.  Forests balance everything, they provide animals’ food and a home, they store carbon, they are providing us with different products to harvest etc.  

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