Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I love soil

Soil is linked everywhere around us and if we take a tablespoon of soil we will find millions and millions of microorganisms more than they are people on earth and because of this soil  plays different important roles in our planet.  Soil is a filter for water and so when we have healthy soil we have clear and healthy water. The most important thing about soil is that soil is the food source for the plants. From the soil plants get the water and the mineral nutrients which help the plants grow and to complete the process of photosynthesis. The soil gives us the ability to support plant growth and in this way we provide ourselves and animals’ food. 90 % of the world’s food comes from land-based agricultural systems so protecting the agriculture soils must be a central feature because these soils are the foundation for food production. Soil is also a home for insects, spiders, and worm. In the creation of topsoil microorganisms and worms have important roles and they are very helpful.  Soil as we see plays a huge important role in the lives of plants and animals but what about humans? In our planet live around 7 milliard people and 10 million different organisms too. Mankind is rapidly fast destroying the environment and spending different natural resources. So even through the soil gives mankind everything from food to clear water and other things, the human desire for more is never enough. The future for our planet does not seem so bright because if it continues like this many forests will be destroyed the population will grow much more and half of the population will live in very poor conditions. Agriculture land is being destroyed by land degradation and 1.5 billion people depend directly on this land. There is a serious problem because 20% of cultivated areas, 30% of forests, and 10% of grassland are being degraded between 1981 and 2003

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