Tuesday, June 11, 2013


GMO-genetically modified organisms are crops that are created by humans by biological techniques for human or animal consumption. Today GMOs is a widely known topic everywhere in the world and people are criticizing companies that produce these kinds of crops like the famous company Monsanto. All over the world people are protesting against Monsanto because they have their main concerns like human health risks, environment risks etc and Monsanto is doing all these to our products that we buy.

The disadvantages are:
  • Industrial model which doesn’t fit nature
  • Health problems ( can cause infertility, and cancer)
  • Taste is not natural
  • Harm to other organisms
  •   Soil can be damaged by these crops

So GMO is a risk that is not worth taking. Farming doesn’t rely on genetic engineering, we can    produce healthy food in a healthy environment and all this is possible if we stop consuming these GMO crops. All these concerns should be known not only by people in our region but worldwide

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