Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rain forest

But why would anyone bother about the rainforest? (some will ask)
First, AND MOST IMPORTANT: IT IS NOT OURS. The rainforest is NOT ours, it is NOT to use for the benefit of humans. It has been there for THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of years and now we are destroying it?
2. It’s all about FAIRNESS. How fair is it, for the world, for the animals, if we just take everything from them and not give anything back? Because that’s what humans have been doing since they were placed on this earth. We are worse than the most blood-thirsty animals because, unlike them, we do not kill and destroy for survival, we do it for pleasure, for greed, for our own benefit.
3. Saving the Amazon forest is about learning and teaching to our future generations. What are we told at school? Yes, the rainforest is being cut down. But do they teach us how to stop it? Do they teach us about how unfair it is? Do they tell us to make changes? No of course not - ‘we dont want the lower classes revolting against the capitalist class’. They just tell us that it is being destroyed, and so since we are small we are taught to ignore the problems and believe that someone else will fix them for us. Its time for YOU to fix them. YOU can make a change. Every little thing WE do will change things. What is sure is that we are not going to change anything just sitting here. (No its not hyprocritical, you dont know me).
EVERY little CHANGE matters. Don’t forget.
4. Because we dont want our future children (even if they are not ours) having to breathe through oxygen tubes. How greedy would that be de nuestra parte?! As I said before, it’s all about being FAIR.

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