Monday, June 24, 2013

Pollution of water

BOD (Biological oxygen demand) is the measure of oxygen that is needed to break down organic material in water. So the microorganisms need this biological oxygen demand to decompose organic waste. It depends from the river if the BOD is high or low. If in the water are a lot of organic waste then more oxygen is needed from the bacteria’s to do the decomposing process. The exceeding value of BOD would increase the amount of oxygen and in that level that many species would die expect of the microorganisms. The normal amount of BOD in sewage is around 250pmm. Nitrite and nitrate are inorganic compounds which are contributing to a higher BOD. Nitrite and nitrate can be natural or man made and both of them are helping to contaminate the water. Nitrates are helping the plant process of the algae in a fast way and when they grow fast they also die very fast so there will be a lot of organic waste and the demand for oxygen will increase and when we have a higher amount of oxygen many species that are not used to this amount of oxygen will eventually die. To avoid such situation people should not throw garbage in water because in that garbage might be a high amount of organic materials and when you throw that in the river, the river will normally produce a lot of oxygen for the bacteria’s to decompose those materials.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome summer

Hello everyone .
 I'm in the mountains in Shterpca  a village near Brezovica in Kosovo. It feels great to be here because of the mountains the river and of course the birds <3.
In my pics you can see me my room, my environment book and the view :) .
I hope you are having a great weekend too.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Help the penguins

These guys live in the wild South also known as Antarctica and the Antarctic Ocean. They are friendly but they also value their privacy.
Today their home is under threat, but you can help them protect it!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Protecting soil from erosion and weathering.

 Erosion and weathering are the ways how the soil is being destroyed. Weathering breaks down the materials in the earth’s crust into sediments and there can be chemical weathering and physical weathering. Physical weathering can be done by wind, water and temperature. Erosion in the other hand is when weathered rocks are being carried away by gravity, water, wind and ice. Both erosion and weathering work together and change the environment. So as soil is only a very thin layer of lithosphere we must protect every inch of it and we all should be aware of the threats that come along with the degradation of the soil and how the chain soil-plant-animal-human will be lost if we continue to damage the soil.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I love soil

Soil is linked everywhere around us and if we take a tablespoon of soil we will find millions and millions of microorganisms more than they are people on earth and because of this soil  plays different important roles in our planet.  Soil is a filter for water and so when we have healthy soil we have clear and healthy water. The most important thing about soil is that soil is the food source for the plants. From the soil plants get the water and the mineral nutrients which help the plants grow and to complete the process of photosynthesis. The soil gives us the ability to support plant growth and in this way we provide ourselves and animals’ food. 90 % of the world’s food comes from land-based agricultural systems so protecting the agriculture soils must be a central feature because these soils are the foundation for food production. Soil is also a home for insects, spiders, and worm. In the creation of topsoil microorganisms and worms have important roles and they are very helpful.  Soil as we see plays a huge important role in the lives of plants and animals but what about humans? In our planet live around 7 milliard people and 10 million different organisms too. Mankind is rapidly fast destroying the environment and spending different natural resources. So even through the soil gives mankind everything from food to clear water and other things, the human desire for more is never enough. The future for our planet does not seem so bright because if it continues like this many forests will be destroyed the population will grow much more and half of the population will live in very poor conditions. Agriculture land is being destroyed by land degradation and 1.5 billion people depend directly on this land. There is a serious problem because 20% of cultivated areas, 30% of forests, and 10% of grassland are being degraded between 1981 and 2003

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


GMO-genetically modified organisms are crops that are created by humans by biological techniques for human or animal consumption. Today GMOs is a widely known topic everywhere in the world and people are criticizing companies that produce these kinds of crops like the famous company Monsanto. All over the world people are protesting against Monsanto because they have their main concerns like human health risks, environment risks etc and Monsanto is doing all these to our products that we buy.

The disadvantages are:
  • Industrial model which doesn’t fit nature
  • Health problems ( can cause infertility, and cancer)
  • Taste is not natural
  • Harm to other organisms
  •   Soil can be damaged by these crops

So GMO is a risk that is not worth taking. Farming doesn’t rely on genetic engineering, we can    produce healthy food in a healthy environment and all this is possible if we stop consuming these GMO crops. All these concerns should be known not only by people in our region but worldwide